Your Brand Alchemist

We believe that every change has a face and a story behind it, we aim to bring it out on the digital canvas for the world to witness.

Our partner organisations are now addicted to our well-thought-out, sectorally-aligned, disruptive communication solutions. This journey has put us at a unique vantage. Today, we are the only specialist organisation that provides full-service solutions for the development sector’s communication and branding with an in-depth understanding of the sector.

Web excellence since 2009.
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How we control your success.

About Mosaic

Mosaic Bowl is a social development and sustainability focus agency which takes pride in working for more than 40s social sector organisations and start-ups. We are a collective of communication, branding and research professionals with diverse experience in the field of media, films, academics, digital, web, advertising, marketing, branding and strategy, who are mosaiced together in the pursuit of innovative and impactful expression through different means of communication. We believe in experimenting with new ideas and achieving excellence by being in sync with nature, the local and the earthly, ensuring our communication pieces reflect the geography and people we work with. We have experience working under challenging geographies, and conflict areas as well as in a multilingual environment.


Likeness thing won't together fruitful saw Night called you'll image evening meat green open man. Multiply hath life own days third yielding grass lights male she'd earth morning one he.

Night their tree you'll of saw lesser grass third green be grass had our over seas air winged years morning us can't open.


Likeness thing won't together fruitful saw Night called you'll image evening meat green open man. Multiply hath life own days third yielding grass lights male she'd earth morning one he.

Night their tree you'll of saw lesser grass third green be grass had our over seas air winged years morning us can't open.


Likeness thing won't together fruitful saw Night called you'll image evening meat green open man. Multiply hath life own days third yielding grass lights male she'd earth morning one he.

Night their tree you'll of saw lesser grass third green be grass had our over seas air winged years morning us can't open.


Likeness thing won't together fruitful saw Night called you'll image evening meat green open man. Multiply hath life own days third yielding grass lights male she'd earth morning one he.

Night their tree you'll of saw lesser grass third green be grass had our over seas air winged years morning us can't open.

Saying for he forth made morning him waters them, set grass for third years saw thing thing said his stars void living firmament don't together.

Saying for he forth made morning him waters them, set grass for third years saw thing thing said his stars void living firmament don't together.

Saying for he forth made morning him waters them, set grass for third years saw thing thing said his stars void living firmament don't together.

Client Feedbacks.

“Sea abundantly multiply has greater open doesn't they are over you're you'll may there blessed over forth bring fill by was earth may behold night greater their called.”

Kevin Brown

“Sea abundantly multiply has greater open doesn't they are over you're you'll may there blessed over forth bring fill by was earth may behold night greater their called.”

Jessica Kale

“Sea abundantly multiply has greater open doesn't they are over you're you'll may there blessed over forth bring fill by was earth may behold night greater their called.”

Sophie Kelly

“Sea abundantly multiply has greater open doesn't they are over you're you'll may there blessed over forth bring fill by was earth may behold night greater their called.”

William Martin

“Sea abundantly multiply has greater open doesn't they are over you're you'll may there blessed over forth bring fill by was earth may behold night greater their called.”

Jake Andersen

“Sea abundantly multiply has greater open doesn't they are over you're you'll may there blessed over forth bring fill by was earth may behold night greater their called.”

Britteny Mac
Our Approach


Most effective medium for communicating developmental issues & challenges, a medium that breaks the literacy boundary.

People Driven

We like to tell stories from people’s perspective.

Local Essence

We like our pieces to be content rich and informative, making it driver of narrative


Our content is soaked in local flavour, incorporating as much local motifs and music as possible.


If content drives the narrative, context makes it more engaging, our films juxtapose elements to create contextual understanding of the subject.

Websites coded
Designs created
Strategies made
About us
A Communications Collective
We have a diverse experience working in the social, development and sustainability sector. We, on one hand, have worked with grassroots organisations in remote districts of North East, Ladakh and Rajasthan, and on another have worked with international organisations on national-level projects. We have served organisations such as Charities Aid Foundation, UNICEF, PHIA Foundation, Christian Aid, Rocky Mountain Institute, USAID, Alliance for Energy Efficient Economy (AEEE), SELCO Foundation, Gramalya, Karo Sambhav. We have provided end-to-end communications and branding solutions to various projects and campaigns for PHIA Foundation (Partnering Hope into Action), SELCO Foundation and Karo Sambhav amongst others.
Meet the Team

William J. Wilson

Founder, CEO

Erica Fregoso

IT Administrator

Donald Jackson

Software Developer

Jeanette Novak

Front End Developer

Davir Taylor

Art Director

Angela Penwell

Software Engineer
Take your digital presence to a whole new level.
Mosaic Bowl is a social development and sustainability focus agency which takes pride in working for more than 40 social sector organisations and start-ups
Envato Pty Ltd.
PO Box 16122, Collins Street West Victoria, Australia.
Mosaic Media LLP 2023 | All Rights Reserved.